Date: 2016-09-01

The purpose of this notebook is to:

  • Look at examples of sharp wave ripiples
  • Develop code to extract the already computed sharp wave ripples
  • Develop code to compute the sharp wave ripples in the same manner as their code
  • Compare the multitaper sharp wave ripples score to the computed sharp wave ripples

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
%reload_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
import os
import sys
import collections
import random
import scipy.fftpack
import scipy.signal
import scipy.ndimage
import numpy as np
import nitime.algorithms as tsa
import nitime.utils as utils
import nitime.viz
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as clr
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import tqdm
import matplotlib.patches as patches

import data_filter as df
import ripples
import spectral

In [2]:
Animal = collections.namedtuple('Animal', {'directory', 'short_name'})
num_days = 8
days = range(1, num_days + 1)
animals = {'HPa': Animal(directory='HPa_direct', short_name='HPa')}

epoch_info = df.make_epochs_dataframe(animals, days)
tetrode_info = df.make_tetrode_dataframe(animals)
epoch_keys = df.get_dataframe_index(epoch_info
    .loc[(['HPa'], [8]), :]
    .loc[epoch_info.environment == 'wtr1'])

cur_tetrode_info = pd.concat([tetrode_info[key] for key in epoch_keys])

area depth descrip numcells
animal day epoch_ind tetrode_number
HPa 8 2 1 CA1 113 riptet 12
2 CA1 121 NaN 0
3 CA1 90 CA1Ref 0
4 CA1 116 riptet 15
5 CA1 116 riptet 0
6 CA1 110 riptet 0
7 CA1 114 riptet 0
8 iCA1 114 riptet 0
9 iCA1 100 riptet 0
10 iCA1 96 NaN 0
11 iCA1 106 riptet 0
12 iCA1 114 riptet 3
13 iCA1 120 NaN 0
14 iCA1 105 riptet 6
15 PFC 93 NaN 0
16 PFC 90 NaN 0
17 PFC 90 NaN 6
18 PFC 90 NaN 0
19 PFC 130 NaN 0
20 PFC 109 NaN 0

In [3]:
tetrode_index = df.get_dataframe_index(cur_tetrode_info)
lfp_data = df.get_LFP_data(tetrode_index, animals)

Pre-computed ripples by the Frank Lab

We need some code to access the ripple indicators as computed by the Frank Lab. This is for a baseline comparison to our version of their code and subsequent improvements. First we need to load the data.

In [4]:
day = 8
cur_animal = animals['HPa']
tetrode_number = 1
epoch_ind = 2
ripples_data = df.get_data_structure(cur_animal, day, 'ripples', 'ripples')
ripples_data[epoch_ind - 1][0][tetrode_number - 1].dtype.names


Now that we have the data we want to put it in a more usable format (ripple number, start time of ripple, end time of ripple). We use the ripple number to identify each ripple as its own entity.

In [5]:
times = zip(ripples_data[epoch_ind - 1][0][tetrode_number - 1]['starttime'][0,0].flatten(),
           ripples_data[epoch_ind - 1][0][tetrode_number - 1]['endtime'][0,0].flatten())
r1 = [(ripple_ind + 1, start_time, end_time) for ripple_ind, (start_time, end_time) in enumerate(times)]

(1, 2717.8274669335847, 2717.8761336029393)

Turn this into a function and compare

In [6]:
def _get_computed_ripple_times(tetrode_tuple, animals):
    ''' Returns a list of tuples for a given tetrode in the format
    (ripple_number, start_index, end_index). The indexes are relative
    to the trial time for that session. Data is extracted from the ripples
    data structure and calculated according to the Frank Lab criterion.
    animal, day, epoch_ind, tetrode_number = tetrode_tuple
    ripples_data = df.get_data_structure(animals[animal], day, 'ripples', 'ripples')
    start_end = zip(ripples_data[epoch_ind - 1][0][tetrode_number - 1]['starttime'][0, 0].flatten(),
           ripples_data[epoch_ind - 1][0][tetrode_number - 1]['endtime'][0, 0].flatten())
    return [(ripple_ind + 1, start_time, end_time)
            for ripple_ind, (start_time, end_time) in enumerate(start_end)]

r2 = _get_computed_ripple_times(('HPa', 8, 2, 1), animals)

(1, 2717.8274669335847, 2717.8761336029393)

Use the computed ripple time to plot the ripple to make sure it makes sense

In [7]:
ripple_times = _get_computed_ripple_times(('HPa', 8, 2, 1), animals)
lfp_data[0].loc[ripple_times[0][1]:ripple_times[0][2], :].plot()

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Float64Index: 74 entries, 2717.8275 to 2717.8761
Data columns (total 1 columns):
electric_potential    74 non-null int16
dtypes: int16(1)
memory usage: 740.0 bytes
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x114c9a780>

Now turn this into a pandas dataframe and combine with the LFP dataframe

In [8]:
ripple_df = pd.concat([lfp_data[0].drop(lfp_data[0].columns, axis=1).loc[start_time:end_time].assign(ripple_number=ripple_ind)
                       for ripple_ind, start_time, end_time in ripple_times])

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Float64Index: 75171 entries, 2717.8275 to 3918.6802
Data columns (total 1 columns):
ripple_number    75171 non-null int64
dtypes: int64(1)
memory usage: 1.1 MB

In [9]:
j = pd.concat([lfp_data[0], ripple_df], axis=1, join_axes=[lfp_data[0].index])
j[j.ripple_number == 1]

electric_potential ripple_number
2717.8275 57 1.0
2717.8281 58 1.0
2717.8288 72 1.0
2717.8295 87 1.0
2717.8301 107 1.0
2717.8308 119 1.0
2717.8315 131 1.0
2717.8321 135 1.0
2717.8328 121 1.0
2717.8335 93 1.0
2717.8341 75 1.0
2717.8348 66 1.0
2717.8355 64 1.0
2717.8361 77 1.0
2717.8368 88 1.0
2717.8375 88 1.0
2717.8381 79 1.0
2717.8388 69 1.0
2717.8395 62 1.0
2717.8401 46 1.0
2717.8408 41 1.0
2717.8415 49 1.0
2717.8421 45 1.0
2717.8428 61 1.0
2717.8435 51 1.0
2717.8441 24 1.0
2717.8448 18 1.0
2717.8455 40 1.0
2717.8461 60 1.0
2717.8468 71 1.0
... ... ...
2717.8568 118 1.0
2717.8575 94 1.0
2717.8581 94 1.0
2717.8588 71 1.0
2717.8595 73 1.0
2717.8601 65 1.0
2717.8608 74 1.0
2717.8615 87 1.0
2717.8621 73 1.0
2717.8628 53 1.0
2717.8635 42 1.0
2717.8641 37 1.0
2717.8648 22 1.0
2717.8655 38 1.0
2717.8661 62 1.0
2717.8668 95 1.0
2717.8675 99 1.0
2717.8681 106 1.0
2717.8688 123 1.0
2717.8695 124 1.0
2717.8701 111 1.0
2717.8708 117 1.0
2717.8715 131 1.0
2717.8721 139 1.0
2717.8728 139 1.0
2717.8735 160 1.0
2717.8741 164 1.0
2717.8748 179 1.0
2717.8755 194 1.0
2717.8761 214 1.0

74 rows × 2 columns

Make the previous code into a function

In [10]:
def _convert_ripple_times_to_dataframe(ripple_times, dataframe):
    index_dataframe = dataframe.drop(dataframe.columns, axis=1)
    ripple_dataframe = (pd.concat([index_dataframe.loc[start_time:end_time].assign(ripple_number=number)
                                   for number, start_time, end_time in ripple_times]))
    return pd.concat([dataframe, ripple_dataframe], axis=1, join_axes=[dataframe.index])

def get_computed_ripples_dataframe(tetrode_index, animals):
    ripple_times = _get_computed_ripple_times(tetrode_index, animals)
    lfp_dataframe = df._get_LFP_dataframe(tetrode_index, animals)
    return (_convert_ripple_times_to_dataframe(ripple_times, lfp_dataframe)
            .assign(ripple_indicator=lambda x: x.ripple_number.fillna(0) > 0))

get_computed_ripples_dataframe(('HPa', 8, 2, 1), animals).info()

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Float64Index: 1810528 entries, 2712.9948 to 3920.0129
Data columns (total 3 columns):
electric_potential    int16
ripple_number         float64
ripple_indicator      bool
dtypes: bool(1), float64(1), int16(1)
memory usage: 32.8 MB

Example Sharp Wave Ripples (Frank Lab)

Plot some examples of sharp wave ripples for a single tetrode (Animal HPa, Day 8, Epoch #2, Tetrode #1) using the code from the previous section

In [11]:
ripple_df = get_computed_ripples_dataframe(('HPa', 8, 2, 1), animals)
ripple_numbers = ripple_df.ripple_number.unique()
num_samples = 20
num_plot_rows = int(np.ceil(num_samples / 5))
ripple_sample_numbers = random.sample(list(ripple_numbers), num_samples)
ripple_sample_index = ripple_df.ripple_number.isin(ripple_sample_numbers)
fig, axis_handles = plt.subplots(num_plot_rows, 5, figsize=(15, 10), sharey=True)
axis_handles = axis_handles.flatten()
for ind, (name, group) in enumerate(ripple_df[ripple_sample_index].groupby('ripple_number')):    
    group.plot(y='electric_potential', ax=axis_handles[ind], title='Ripple #{num}'.format(num=int(name)))

plt.suptitle('Example Ripples: Animal HPa, Day 8, Epoch #2, Tetrode #1', fontsize=24)

Our version of the Frank Lab code

The following code is for making sure we understand how the Frank Lab method for extracting the ripples works. From Karlsson, M.P., Frank, L.M., 2009. Awake replay of remote experiences in the hippocampus. Nature Neuroscience 12, 913–918. doi:10.1038/nn.2344:

SWRs were identified on the basis of peaks in the LFP recorded from one channel from each tetrode in the CA3 and CA1 cell layers. The raw LFP data were bandpass-filtered between 150–250 Hz, and the SWR envelope was determined using a Hilbert transform. The envelope was smoothed with a Gaussian (4-ms s.d.). We initially identified SWR events as sets of times when the smoothed envelope stayed above 3 s.d. of the mean for at least 15 ms on at least one tetrode. We defined the entire SWR as including times immediately before and after that threshold crossing event during which the envelope exceeded the mean. Overlapping SWRs were combined across tetrodes, so many events extended beyond the SWR seen on a single tetrode.

Ripple Score

The first part of the method is extracting a z-score that indicates an increase in the sharp wave ripple band (150-250 Hz) power. This involves:

  • Bandpass filtering the LFP between 150-250 Hz
  • Extracting the envelope via the Hilbert transform
  • Smoothing the envelope with a Gaussian window with 4 millisecond standard deviation
  • Z-scoring the smoothed envelope and thresholding

In [12]:
# from:
def butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, sampling_frequency, order=5):
    nyq = 0.5 * sampling_frequency
    low = lowcut / nyq
    high = highcut / nyq
    b, a = scipy.signal.butter(order, [low, high], btype='band')
    return b, a

def butter_bandpass_filter(data, lowcut, highcut, sampling_frequency, order=5):
    b, a = butter_bandpass(lowcut, highcut, sampling_frequency, order=order)
    return scipy.signal.filtfilt(b, a, data)

def zscore(x):
    return (x - x.mean()) / x.std()

start_time = 2720
end_time = 2722

fig, axis_handles = plt.subplots(5, 1, figsize=(15, 10), sharex=True)

sampling_frequency = 1500
lfp = lfp_data[0]
time = lfp.index.get_values()

# Original Signal
signal = lfp['electric_potential']
axis_handles[0].plot(time, signal, label='original signal')
axis_handles[0].set_xlim((start_time, end_time))
axis_handles[0].set_ylim((-300, 300))
axis_handles[0].set_title('Original Signal')

# Filter between 150-200 Hz
filtered_data = butter_bandpass_filter(signal, 150, 250, sampling_frequency, order=10)
axis_handles[1].plot(time, filtered_data, label='filtered data (150-250 Hz)')
axis_handles[1].set_ylim((-40, 40))
axis_handles[1].set_title('Bandpass Filtered Signal')

# Get the envelope
filtered_data_envelope = abs(scipy.signal.hilbert(filtered_data))
axis_handles[2].plot(time, filtered_data, label='filtered data')
axis_handles[2].plot(time, filtered_data_envelope, label='envelope')
axis_handles[2].set_ylim((-40, 40))
axis_handles[2].set_title('Envelope of Bandpass Filltered Signal')

# Smooth Envelope
sigma = 0.004 * sampling_frequency
smoothed_envelope = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter1d(filtered_data_envelope, sigma, truncate=8)
axis_handles[3].plot(time, filtered_data_envelope, label='envelope')
axis_handles[3].plot(time, smoothed_envelope, label='smoothed envelope')
axis_handles[3].set_ylim((-40, 40))
axis_handles[3].set_title('Smoothed Envelope of Bandpass Filltered Signal')

# Z-score
z_smoothed_envelope = zscore(smoothed_envelope)
axis_handles[4].plot(time, z_smoothed_envelope, label='z-score envelope')
axis_handles[4].hlines(3, time.min(), time.max(), label='threshold', alpha=0.5)
axis_handles[4].hlines(0, time.min(), time.max(), label='mean', linestyle='--', linewidth=1, alpha=0.5)
axis_handles[4].set_ylim((-5, 5))
axis_handles[4].set_title('Z-Score of Smoothed Envelope')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x115d9edd8>

Turn into a function and compare to previous plot

In [33]:
def get_ripple_zscore_frank(lfp, sampling_frequency, sigma=0.004, zscore_threshold=3, filter_order=10):
    filtered_data = butter_bandpass_filter(lfp['electric_potential'], 150, 250, sampling_frequency, order=filter_order)
    filtered_data_envelope = abs(scipy.signal.hilbert(filtered_data))
    smoothed_envelope = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter1d(filtered_data_envelope,
                                                                sigma * sampling_frequency,
    return (pd.concat([pd.DataFrame({'ripple_zscore': zscore(smoothed_envelope)}), lfp.reset_index()],
                           .assign(is_above_ripple_threshold=lambda x: x.ripple_zscore >= zscore_threshold)
                           .assign(is_above_ripple_mean=lambda x: x.ripple_zscore >= 0).sort_index())

fig, axis_handles = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(15, 4), sharex=True)

lfp_data[0].loc[2720:2722, 'electric_potential'].plot(ax=axis_handles[0], title='Original Signal')

ripple = get_ripple_zscore_frank(lfp_data[0], sampling_frequency)
axis_handles[1].hlines(3, time.min(), time.max(), label='threshold', alpha=0.5)
axis_handles[1].hlines(0, time.min(), time.max(), label='mean baseline', linestyle='--', linewidth=1, alpha=0.5)
axis_handles[1].set_ylim((-5, 5))
axis_handles[0].set_xlim((start_time, end_time))
axis_handles[1].set_title('Z-Score of Smoothed Envelope')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x16643a128>

Segmenting Ripples

The next step after thresholding is to segment the ripples into distinct events and label them. The Frank lab method is to take all segements above the mean baseline (z-score = 0) that contain z-scores above a threshold (typically z-score = 3) for a minimum duration (like 15 milliseconds).

So we have:

  • ripple z-score
  • an indicator function telling us whether the z-score is above the mean baseline
  • an indicator function telling us whether the z-score is above the ripple threshold.

In [21]:
sampling_frequency = 1500
ripple_frank_df = get_ripple_zscore_frank(lfp_data[0], sampling_frequency)

ripple_zscore electric_potential is_above_ripple_threshold is_above_ripple_mean
2712.9948 -0.443445 83 False False
2712.9955 -0.407496 94 False False
2712.9961 -0.337637 114 False False
2712.9968 -0.237769 132 False False
2712.9975 -0.113338 148 False False
2712.9981 0.029102 152 False True
2712.9988 0.182378 156 False True
2712.9995 0.339197 147 False True
2713.0001 0.492597 145 False True
2713.0008 0.636322 135 False True
2713.0015 0.765094 119 False True
2713.0021 0.874779 107 False True
2713.0028 0.962453 91 False True
2713.0035 1.026379 47 False True
2713.0041 1.065928 -8 False True
2713.0048 1.081444 -35 False True
2713.0055 1.074094 -46 False True
2713.0061 1.045703 -45 False True
2713.0068 0.998590 -53 False True
2713.0075 0.935416 -66 False True
2713.0081 0.859048 -72 False True
2713.0088 0.772436 -98 False True
2713.0095 0.678512 -115 False True
2713.0101 0.580105 -110 False True
2713.0108 0.479879 -97 False True
2713.0115 0.380275 -74 False True
2713.0121 0.283481 -41 False True
2713.0128 0.191399 -14 False True
2713.0135 0.105627 20 False True
2713.0141 0.027445 32 False True
... ... ... ... ...
3919.9935 0.927302 -22 False True
3919.9942 0.877817 -34 False True
3919.9949 0.813242 -24 False True
3919.9955 0.733195 2 False True
3919.9962 0.637944 41 False True
3919.9969 0.528492 58 False True
3919.9975 0.406599 83 False True
3919.9982 0.274754 100 False True
3919.9989 0.136088 102 False True
3919.9995 -0.005769 103 False False
3920.0002 -0.146875 110 False False
3920.0009 -0.283201 108 False False
3920.0015 -0.410867 96 False False
3920.0022 -0.526390 77 False False
3920.0029 -0.626905 67 False False
3920.0035 -0.710347 63 False False
3920.0042 -0.775580 60 False False
3920.0049 -0.822452 65 False False
3920.0055 -0.851765 64 False False
3920.0062 -0.865179 64 False False
3920.0069 -0.865039 66 False False
3920.0075 -0.854158 56 False False
3920.0082 -0.835575 37 False False
3920.0089 -0.812325 17 False False
3920.0095 -0.787234 13 False False
3920.0102 -0.762770 9 False False
3920.0109 -0.740956 13 False False
3920.0115 -0.723345 11 False False
3920.0122 -0.711033 6 False False
3920.0129 -0.704711 2 False False

1810528 rows × 4 columns

Now we need to take the is_above_ripple_mean indicator and label the continuous chunks of time above the threshold as a ripple.

In [22]:

minimum_duration = 0.015  # in seconds
# False to True
is_start_time = (~ripple_frank_df.is_above_ripple_mean.shift(1).fillna(False)) & ripple_frank_df.is_above_ripple_mean
start_times = ripple_frank_df.index[is_start_time]

# True to False
is_end_time = ripple_frank_df.is_above_ripple_mean & (~ripple_frank_df.is_above_ripple_mean.shift(-1).fillna(False))
end_times = ripple_frank_df.index[is_end_time]

# Handle case of the indicator starting or ending above threshold. Remove these cases from the list
if len(start_times) != len(end_times):
    if end_times[0] > start_times[0]:
        end_times = end_times[1:]
        start_times = start_times[:-1]
ripple_time_list = [(start_time, end_time)
  for start_time, end_time in zip(start_times, end_times)
  if end_time >= (start_time + minimum_duration)]

# Check format

# Make sure everything has the right duration
print(all([(end - start) > minimum_duration for start, end in ripple_time_list]))

[(2712.9980999999998, 2713.0140999999999), (2713.1581000000001, 2713.1741000000002)]

Turn into a function

In [23]:
def _get_series_start_end_times(series):
    ''' Returns a two element tuple of the start of the segment
    and the end of the segment. The input series must be a boolean
    pandas series where the index is time.
    is_start_time = (~series.shift(1).fillna(False)) & series
    start_times = series.index[is_start_time]

    is_end_time = series & (~series.shift(-1).fillna(False))
    end_times = series.index[is_end_time]

    # Handle case of the indicator starting or ending above threshold.
    # Remove these cases from the list
    if len(start_times) != len(end_times):
        if end_times[0] > start_times[0]:
            end_times = end_times[1:]
            start_times = start_times[:-1]
    return start_times, end_times

def segment_boolean_series(series, minimum_duration=0.015):
    ''' Returns a list of tuples where each tuple contains the
    start time of segement and end time of segment. It takes 
    a boolean pandas series as input where the index is time.
    start_times, end_times = _get_series_start_end_times(series)

    return [(start_time, end_time)
                     for start_time, end_time in zip(start_times, end_times)
                     if end_time >= (start_time + minimum_duration)]

ripple_time_list2 = segment_boolean_series(ripple_frank_df.is_above_ripple_mean)

# Check format

# Make sure everything has the right duration
print(all([(end - start) > minimum_duration for start, end in ripple_time_list2]))

[(2712.9980999999998, 2713.0140999999999), (2713.1581000000001, 2713.1741000000002)]

In [24]:
def create_box(segment, y_low=-5, height=10, alpha=0.3, color='grey'):
    return patches.Rectangle((segment[0], y_low),
                             segment[1] - segment[0],
                             alpha=alpha, color=color)

fig, axis_handles = plt.subplots(4, 1, figsize=(15, 8), sharex=True)

start_time = 2720
end_time = 2722

lfp_data[0].loc[start_time:end_time, 'electric_potential'].plot(ax=axis_handles[0], title='Original Signal')

ripple_frank_df = get_ripple_zscore_frank(lfp_data[0], sampling_frequency)

axis_handles[1].plot(ripple_frank_df.loc[start_time:end_time, 'ripple_zscore'])
axis_handles[1].hlines(3, time.min(), time.max(), label='threshold', alpha=0.5)
axis_handles[1].hlines(0, time.min(), time.max(), label='mean baseline', linestyle='--', linewidth=1, alpha=0.5)
axis_handles[1].set_ylim((-5, 5))
axis_handles[1].set_title('Z-Score of Smoothed Envelope')

ripple_above_mean_segments = segment_boolean_series(ripple_frank_df.loc[start_time:end_time, 'is_above_ripple_mean'])
axis_handles[2].plot(ripple_frank_df.loc[start_time:end_time, 'ripple_zscore'])
axis_handles[2].hlines(0, time.min(), time.max(), label='mean baseline', linestyle='--', linewidth=1, alpha=0.5)
for segment in ripple_above_mean_segments:

axis_handles[2].set_ylim((-5, 5))
axis_handles[2].set_title('Segments above mean for at least 15 ms')

ripple_above_threshold_segments = segment_boolean_series(ripple_frank_df.loc[start_time:end_time, 'is_above_ripple_threshold'])

axis_handles[3].plot(ripple_frank_df.loc[start_time:end_time, 'ripple_zscore'])
axis_handles[3].hlines(3, time.min(), time.max(), label='threshold', alpha=0.5)
for segment in ripple_above_threshold_segments:
axis_handles[3].set_ylim((-5, 5))
axis_handles[3].set_title('Segments above z-score threshold for at least 15 ms')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x166a22f28>

Extending the ripple segments

Now we want to take these ripple segments and extend them so that the start and end times are when the z-score crosses the mean baseline (on its way up or way down respectively)

In [25]:
# First segment
start1, end1 = ripple_time_list[0]
print(start1, end1)
segment_df = ripple_frank_df.loc[start1:end1]

2712.9981 2713.0141
ripple_zscore electric_potential is_above_ripple_threshold is_above_ripple_mean
2712.9981 0.029102 152 False True
2712.9988 0.182378 156 False True
2712.9995 0.339197 147 False True
2713.0001 0.492597 145 False True
2713.0008 0.636322 135 False True
2713.0015 0.765094 119 False True
2713.0021 0.874779 107 False True
2713.0028 0.962453 91 False True
2713.0035 1.026379 47 False True
2713.0041 1.065928 -8 False True
2713.0048 1.081444 -35 False True
2713.0055 1.074094 -46 False True
2713.0061 1.045703 -45 False True
2713.0068 0.998590 -53 False True
2713.0075 0.935416 -66 False True
2713.0081 0.859048 -72 False True
2713.0088 0.772436 -98 False True
2713.0095 0.678512 -115 False True
2713.0101 0.580105 -110 False True
2713.0108 0.479879 -97 False True
2713.0115 0.380275 -74 False True
2713.0121 0.283481 -41 False True
2713.0128 0.191399 -14 False True
2713.0135 0.105627 20 False True
2713.0141 0.027445 32 False True

In [19]:
ripple_threshold_list = segment_boolean_series(ripple_frank_df.is_above_ripple_threshold)
ripple_baseline_list = segment_boolean_series(ripple_frank_df.is_above_ripple_mean)

baseline_start = np.asarray(ripple_baseline_list)[:,0]
threshold_start = ripple_threshold_list[0][0]
print(ripple_baseline_list[np.max((baseline_start - threshold_start < 0).nonzero())])

(2720.3215, 2720.3481000000002)
(2720.3135000000002, 2720.3667999999998)

Make into a function

In [26]:
def _find_containing_interval(interval_candidates, target_interval):
    '''Returns the interval that contains the target interval out of a list of 
    interval candidates. This is accomplished by finding the closest start time
    out of the candidate intervals, since we already know that one interval candidate
    contains the target interval (the segements above 0 contain the segments above
    the threshold)'''
    candidate_start_times = np.asarray(interval_candidates)[:,0]
    closest_start_ind = np.max((candidate_start_times - target_interval[0] < 0).nonzero())
    return interval_candidates[closest_start_ind]

def extend_segment_intervals(ripple_above_threshold_segments, ripple_above_mean_segments):
    ''' Returns a list of tuples that extend the
    boundaries of the segments by the ripple threshold (i.e ripple z-score > 3)
    to the boundaries of a containing interval defined by when the z-score
    crosses the mean.
    return [_find_containing_interval(ripple_above_mean_segments, segment)
            for segment in ripple_above_threshold_segments]

ripple_above_threshold_segments = segment_boolean_series(ripple_frank_df.is_above_ripple_threshold)
ripple_above_mean_segments = segment_boolean_series(ripple_frank_df.is_above_ripple_mean)
extended_segments = extend_segment_intervals(ripple_above_threshold_segments, ripple_above_mean_segments)


[(2720.3215, 2720.3481000000002), (2721.7835, 2721.8074999999999)]
[(2720.3135000000002, 2720.3667999999998), (2721.7701000000002, 2721.8267999999998)]

In [28]:
fig, axis_handles = plt.subplots(5, 1, figsize=(15, 10), sharex=True)

start_time = 2720
end_time = 2722

lfp_data[0].loc[start_time:end_time, 'electric_potential'].plot(ax=axis_handles[0], title='Original Signal')

ripple_frank_df = get_ripple_zscore_frank(lfp_data[0], sampling_frequency)

axis_handles[1].plot(ripple_frank_df.loc[start_time:end_time, 'ripple_zscore'])
axis_handles[1].hlines(3, time.min(), time.max(), label='threshold', alpha=0.5)
axis_handles[1].hlines(0, time.min(), time.max(), label='mean baseline', linestyle='--', linewidth=1, alpha=0.5)
axis_handles[1].set_ylim((-5, 5))
axis_handles[1].set_title('Z-Score of Smoothed Envelope')

ripple_above_mean_segments = segment_boolean_series(ripple_frank_df.loc[start_time:end_time, 'is_above_ripple_mean'])
axis_handles[2].plot(ripple_frank_df.loc[start_time:end_time, 'ripple_zscore'])
axis_handles[2].hlines(0, time.min(), time.max(), label='mean baseline', linestyle='--', linewidth=1, alpha=0.5)
for segment in ripple_above_mean_segments:

axis_handles[2].set_ylim((-5, 5))
axis_handles[2].set_title('Segments above mean for at least 15 ms')

ripple_above_threshold_segments = segment_boolean_series(ripple_frank_df.loc[start_time:end_time, 'is_above_ripple_threshold'])

axis_handles[3].plot(ripple_frank_df.loc[start_time:end_time, 'ripple_zscore'])
axis_handles[3].hlines(3, time.min(), time.max(), label='threshold', alpha=0.5)
for segment in ripple_above_threshold_segments:
axis_handles[3].set_ylim((-5, 5))
axis_handles[3].set_title('Segments above z-score threshold for at least 15 ms')

extended_segments = extend_segment_intervals(ripple_above_threshold_segments, ripple_above_mean_segments)

axis_handles[4].plot(ripple_frank_df.loc[start_time:end_time, 'ripple_zscore'])
axis_handles[4].hlines(3, time.min(), time.max(), label='threshold', alpha=0.5)
for segment in extended_segments:
axis_handles[4].hlines(0, time.min(), time.max(), label='mean baseline', linestyle='--', linewidth=1, alpha=0.5)
axis_handles[4].set_ylim((-5, 5))
axis_handles[4].set_title('Extended Segments')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x16634ba20>

Combine overlapping segment intervals on all hippocampal tetrodes

Since the sharp-wave ripple is a population event, the Frank Lab combines all overlapping segements to make one big ripple. I think this means that if two tetrodes have overlapping segments, they will both have the same segment marked as a ripple.

Alternatively, segment could be marked as a ripple on all tetrodes. This doesn't seem to be the case though, the number of ripples on each tetrode are different.

First we need some code to access just the hippocampal tetrodes

In [29]:
def filter_list_by_pandas_series(list_to_filter, pandas_boolean_series):
    ''' Convenience function for filtering a list by the criterion of a pandas series
    Returns a list.
    is_in_list = list(pandas_boolean_series)
    if len(list_to_filter) != len(is_in_list):
        raise ValueError('list to filter must be the same length as the pandas series')
    return [list_element for list_element, is_in_list in zip(list_to_filter, is_in_list) if is_in_list]

CA1_lfp = filter_list_by_pandas_series(lfp_data, cur_tetrode_info.area == 'CA1')
print(len(filter_list_by_pandas_series(lfp_data, cur_tetrode_info.area.isin(['iCA1', 'PFC']))))

has_cells = cur_tetrode_info.area.isin(['iCA1', 'PFC']) & (cur_tetrode_info.numcells > 0)
print(len(filter_list_by_pandas_series(lfp_data, has_cells)))

# print(len(filter_list_by_pandas_series(lfp_data[0], has_cells)))


Then we need a function to combine the getting the zscore, segmenting, and extending segments step for each tetrode

In [34]:
def get_segments_frank(lfp_dataframe, sampling_frequency, zscore_threshold=3, sigma=0.004, filter_order=10):
    ripple_frank_df = get_ripple_zscore_frank(lfp_dataframe,
    ripple_above_mean_segments = segment_boolean_series(ripple_frank_df.is_above_ripple_mean)
    ripple_above_threshold_segments = segment_boolean_series(ripple_frank_df.is_above_ripple_threshold)
    return extend_segment_intervals(ripple_above_threshold_segments, ripple_above_mean_segments)

segments = get_segments_frank(lfp_data[0], 1500)

[(2720.3135000000002, 2720.3667999999998),
 (2721.7701000000002, 2721.8267999999998)]

Now compute this on all CA1 tetrodes (should we include iCA1 tetrodes?)

In [24]:
CA1_lfp = filter_list_by_pandas_series(lfp_data, cur_tetrode_info.area == 'CA1')
segments = [get_segments_frank(lfp, 1500) for lfp in tqdm.tqdm_notebook(CA1_lfp, desc='segments')]
zscores = [ripples.get_ripple_zscore_frank(lfp, 1500) for lfp in tqdm.tqdm_notebook(CA1_lfp, desc='zscores')]

Plot all the tetrodes over the (2991 sec, 3002 sec) range

In [25]:
num_tetrodes = len(segments)
time_extent = (2991, 2993)
CA1_tetrode_info = cur_tetrode_info[cur_tetrode_info.area == 'CA1']
CA1_index = list(CA1_tetrode_info.index)

# Z-score
# min_zscore = np.min([z.ripple_zscore.min() for z in zscores])
# max_zscore = np.max([z.ripple_zscore.max() for z in zscores])
min_zscore = -4
max_zscore = 4
z_score_height = max_zscore - min_zscore

fig, axis_handles = plt.subplots(num_tetrodes, 1, figsize=(15, num_tetrodes * 2), sharex=True, sharey=True)
for tetrode_ind, axis_handle in enumerate(axis_handles.flatten()):
    axis_handle.set_ylim((min_zscore, max_zscore))
    axis_handle.set_title(spectral.tetrode_title(CA1_index[tetrode_ind], CA1_tetrode_info))
    axis_handle.hlines(3, time_extent[0], time_extent[1], label='threshold', alpha=0.5)
    axis_handle.hlines(0, time_extent[0], time_extent[1], label='mean baseline', linestyle='--', alpha=0.5)
    for segment in segments[tetrode_ind]:
        axis_handle.add_patch(create_box(segment, y_low=min_zscore, height=z_score_height, alpha=0.5))
plt.suptitle('Ripple Segments and Z-score', fontsize=24)

In [26]:
# min_lfp = -600
# max_lfp = 600
# lfp_height = max_lfp - min_lfp
# fig, axis_handles = plt.subplots(num_tetrodes, 1, figsize=(15, num_tetrodes * 2), sharex=True, sharey=True)
# for tetrode_ind, axis_handle in enumerate(axis_handles.flatten()):
#     axis_handle.plot(lfp_data[tetrode_ind].electric_potential)
#     axis_handle.set_xlim(time_extent)
#     axis_handle.set_ylim((min_lfp, max_lfp))
#     axis_handle.set_title(spectral.tetrode_title(CA1_index[tetrode_ind], CA1_tetrode_info))
#     for segment in segments[tetrode_ind]:
#         axis_handle.add_patch(create_box(segment, y_low=min_lfp, height=lfp_height, alpha=0.5))

# plt.tight_layout()
# plt.suptitle('Ripple Segments and LFP', fontsize=24)
# plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.90)

Compare to the extracted ripples

In [27]:
computed_ripple_times = [_get_computed_ripple_times(index, animals) for index in CA1_index]

# Z-score
# min_zscore = np.min([z.ripple_zscore.min() for z in zscores])
# max_zscore = np.max([z.ripple_zscore.max() for z in zscores])
min_zscore = -4
max_zscore = 4
z_score_height = max_zscore - min_zscore

fig, axis_handles = plt.subplots(num_tetrodes, 1, figsize=(15, num_tetrodes * 2), sharex=True, sharey=True)
for tetrode_ind, axis_handle in enumerate(axis_handles.flatten()):
    axis_handle.set_ylim((min_zscore, max_zscore))
    axis_handle.hlines(3, time_extent[0], time_extent[1], label='threshold', alpha=0.5)
    axis_handle.hlines(0, time_extent[0], time_extent[1], label='mean baseline', linestyle='--', alpha=0.5)
    axis_handle.set_title(spectral.tetrode_title(CA1_index[tetrode_ind], CA1_tetrode_info))
    for segment in computed_ripple_times[tetrode_ind]:
        axis_handle.add_patch(create_box(segment[1:3], y_low=min_zscore, height=z_score_height, alpha=0.5))
#     for segment in segments[tetrode_ind]:
#         axis_handle.add_patch(create_box(segment, y_low=min_zscore, height=z_score_height, alpha=0.1, color='red'))
plt.suptitle('Computed Ripple Segments and Z-score', fontsize=24)

The computed z-score and my code don't seem to match. One reason is the threshold reported in the paper is 3 standard deviations but the ripple structure in matlab is thresholded at 2 standard deviations.

In [28]:
day = 8
cur_animal = animals['HPa']
tetrode_number = 1
epoch_ind = 2
ripples_data = df.get_data_structure(cur_animal, day, 'ripples', 'ripples')
computed_std = ripples_data[epoch_ind - 1][0][tetrode_number - 1]['std'][0,0][0][0]
computed_threshold = ripples_data[epoch_ind - 1][0][tetrode_number - 1]['threshold'][0,0][0][0]
computed_baseline = ripples_data[epoch_ind - 1][0][tetrode_number - 1]['baseline'][0,0][0][0]
print('The computed mean of the smoothed envelope for tetrode #{tetrode} is: {baseline:.4f}'.format(
        baseline=computed_baseline, tetrode=tetrode_number))
print('The computed standard deviation of the smoothed envelope for tetrode #{tetrode} is: {std:.4f}'.format(
        std=computed_std, tetrode=tetrode_number))
print('The computed threshold of the smoothed envelope for tetrode #{tetrode} is: {threshold:.4f}'.format(
        threshold=computed_threshold, tetrode=tetrode_number))
print('The threshold = mean + standard deviations * x where x is some number of standard deviations')
print('x should equal 3 standard deviations according to Jadhav et al. 2016')
x = (computed_threshold - computed_baseline) / computed_std
print('but x = {x:.1f}'.format(x=x))

The computed mean of the smoothed envelope for tetrode #1 is: 11.2291
The computed standard deviation of the smoothed envelope for tetrode #1 is: 5.4573
The computed threshold of the smoothed envelope for tetrode #1 is: 22.1437
The threshold = mean + standard deviations * x where x is some number of standard deviations
x should equal 3 standard deviations according to Jadhav et al. 2016
but x = 2.0

So if we change the z-score threshold to 2, we get more similarities between the ripple segments, but it's still not the same.

In [29]:
segments2 = [get_segments_frank(lfp, 1500, zscore_threshold=2) for lfp in tqdm.tqdm_notebook(CA1_lfp, desc='segments')]
zscores2 = [ripples.get_ripple_zscore_frank(lfp, 1500, zscore_threshold=2)
            for lfp in tqdm.tqdm_notebook(CA1_lfp, desc='zscores')]

num_tetrodes = len(segments2)
time_extent = (2991, 2993)
CA1_tetrode_info = cur_tetrode_info[cur_tetrode_info.area == 'CA1']
CA1_index = list(CA1_tetrode_info.index)

# Z-score
# min_zscore = np.min([z.ripple_zscore.min() for z in zscores])
# max_zscore = np.max([z.ripple_zscore.max() for z in zscores])
min_zscore = -4
max_zscore = 4
z_score_height = max_zscore - min_zscore

fig, axis_handles = plt.subplots(num_tetrodes, 1, figsize=(15, num_tetrodes * 2), sharex=True, sharey=True)
for tetrode_ind, axis_handle in enumerate(axis_handles.flatten()):
    axis_handle.set_ylim((min_zscore, max_zscore))
    axis_handle.set_title(spectral.tetrode_title(CA1_index[tetrode_ind], CA1_tetrode_info))
    axis_handle.hlines(2, time_extent[0], time_extent[1], label='threshold', alpha=0.5)
    axis_handle.hlines(0, time_extent[0], time_extent[1], label='mean baseline', linestyle='--', alpha=0.5)
    for segment in segments2[tetrode_ind]:
        axis_handle.add_patch(create_box(segment, y_low=min_zscore, height=z_score_height, alpha=0.5))
plt.suptitle('Ripple Segments and Z-score=2', fontsize=24)

Another problem is that the means for the smoothed envelope are different.

In [30]:
cur_animal = animals['HPa']
day = 8
epoch_ind = 2
tetrode_number = 1

sampling_frequency = 1500
sigma = 0.004
ripples_data = df.get_data_structure(cur_animal, day, 'ripples', 'ripples')

computed_baseline = ripples_data[epoch_ind - 1][0][tetrode_number - 1]['baseline'][0,0][0][0]
computed_std = ripples_data[epoch_ind - 1][0][tetrode_number - 1]['std'][0,0][0][0]

print('The computed mean of the smoothed envelope for tetrode #{tetrode} is: {baseline:.4f}'.format(
        baseline=computed_baseline, tetrode=tetrode_number))
print('The computed standard deviation of the smoothed envelope for tetrode #{tetrode} is: {std:.4f}\n'.format(
        std=computed_std, tetrode=tetrode_number))

signal = lfp_data[tetrode_number - 1]['electric_potential']
filtered_data = butter_bandpass_filter(signal, 150, 250, sampling_frequency, order=10)
filtered_data_envelope = abs(scipy.signal.hilbert(filtered_data))
smoothed_envelope = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter1d(filtered_data_envelope,
                                                            sigma * sampling_frequency,

print('My mean of the smoothed envelope for tetrode #{tetrode} is: {baseline:.4f}'.format(
        baseline=smoothed_envelope.mean(), tetrode=tetrode_number))
print('My standard deviation of the smoothed envelope for tetrode #{tetrode} is: {std:.4f}\n'.format(
        std=smoothed_envelope.std(), tetrode=tetrode_number))

print('Error of mean of the smoothed envelope for tetrode #{tetrode} is: {baseline:.4f}'.format(
        baseline=computed_baseline - smoothed_envelope.mean(), tetrode=tetrode_number))
print('Error of standard deviation of the smoothed envelope for tetrode #{tetrode} is: {std:.4f}'.format(
        std=computed_std - smoothed_envelope.std(), tetrode=tetrode_number))

The computed mean of the smoothed envelope for tetrode #1 is: 11.2291
The computed standard deviation of the smoothed envelope for tetrode #1 is: 5.4573

My mean of the smoothed envelope for tetrode #1 is: 10.5900
My standard deviation of the smoothed envelope for tetrode #1 is: 5.2770

Error of mean of the smoothed envelope for tetrode #1 is: 0.6392
Error of standard deviation of the smoothed envelope for tetrode #1 is: 0.1803

If I change the order of the bandpass filter to 3 it gets close?

In [31]:
cur_animal = animals['HPa']
day = 8
epoch_ind = 2
tetrode_number = 1

sampling_frequency = 1500
sigma = 0.004
ripples_data = df.get_data_structure(cur_animal, day, 'ripples', 'ripples')

computed_baseline = ripples_data[epoch_ind - 1][0][tetrode_number - 1]['baseline'][0,0][0][0]
computed_std = ripples_data[epoch_ind - 1][0][tetrode_number - 1]['std'][0,0][0][0]

print('The computed mean of the smoothed envelope for tetrode #{tetrode} is: {baseline:.4f}'.format(
        baseline=computed_baseline, tetrode=tetrode_number))
print('The computed standard deviation of the smoothed envelope for tetrode #{tetrode} is: {std:.4f}\n'.format(
        std=computed_std, tetrode=tetrode_number))

signal = lfp_data[tetrode_number - 1]['electric_potential']
filtered_data = butter_bandpass_filter(signal, 150, 250, sampling_frequency, order=3)
filtered_data_envelope = abs(scipy.signal.hilbert(filtered_data))
smoothed_envelope = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter1d(filtered_data_envelope,
                                                            sigma * sampling_frequency,

print('My mean of the smoothed envelope for tetrode #{tetrode} is: {baseline:.4f}'.format(
        baseline=smoothed_envelope.mean(), tetrode=tetrode_number))
print('My standard deviation of the smoothed envelope for tetrode #{tetrode} is: {std:.4f}\n'.format(
        std=smoothed_envelope.std(), tetrode=tetrode_number))

print('Error of mean of the smoothed envelope for tetrode #{tetrode} is: {baseline:.4f}'.format(
        baseline=computed_baseline - smoothed_envelope.mean(), tetrode=tetrode_number))
print('Error of standard deviation of the smoothed envelope for tetrode #{tetrode} is: {std:.4f}'.format(
        std=computed_std - smoothed_envelope.std(), tetrode=tetrode_number))

The computed mean of the smoothed envelope for tetrode #1 is: 11.2291
The computed standard deviation of the smoothed envelope for tetrode #1 is: 5.4573

My mean of the smoothed envelope for tetrode #1 is: 10.1055
My standard deviation of the smoothed envelope for tetrode #1 is: 5.1040

Error of mean of the smoothed envelope for tetrode #1 is: 1.1236
Error of standard deviation of the smoothed envelope for tetrode #1 is: 0.3532

It turns out the Frank Lab uses a FIR filter. According to the description:

filtered through:
150-250Hz bandpass FIR equiripple filter
10Hz sidebands, 40dB roll-off

Let's try to imitate that next:

In [47]:
def plot_response(fs, w, h, title):
    plt.plot(0.5*fs*w/np.pi, 20*np.log10(np.abs(h)))
    plt.xlim(0, 0.5*fs)
    plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
    plt.ylabel('Gain (dB)')

band = [150, 250]  # Desired stop band, Hz
trans_width = 10    # Width of transition from pass band to stop band, Hz
numtaps = 320       # Size of the FIR filter.
sampling_frequency = 1500

edges = [0, 
         band[0] - trans_width,
         band[1] + trans_width,
         0.5 * sampling_frequency]

taps = scipy.signal.remez(numtaps, edges, [0, 1, 0], Hz=sampling_frequency)
w, h = scipy.signal.freqz(taps, 1)

plot_response(sampling_frequency, w, h, "Band-pass Filter")

In [ ]: